Find The Best Homeowners Insurance for You

I’ve written a lot about shopping for auto insurance, so now I’ll review some of the things you need to know to choose a good home insurance company.

When you don’t own a home, shopping for auto insurance is relatively simple. You can get accurate auto insurance quotes online, if you put in the proper information (I still recommend speaking with an agent to make sure you get the best price), from insurance company websites, without talking to an agent.

But when you own a home, and you are shopping for home & auto insurance, you can’t get homeowners insurance quotes online from most companies, and you need to speak with an agent, or directly to the insurance company, to review your home insurance needs and get an accurate price quote.

Auto insurance is much the same among auto insurance companies. Liability, Comprehensive, Collision, & other coverage, for the most part, are covered the same way by all insurance companies.

There are sometimes minor differences, such as a company offering limited coverage for injury to your pets, and some insurance companies may offer optional features, like a vanishing deductible or replacement car coverage for an additional cost.

However, most people can choose an auto insurance company based on the price and reputation for customer service, without worrying the insurance company does not offer coverage comparable to any other insurance company.

Homeowners insurance is not like auto insurance in this way; coverage options & policy language can vary greatly among insurance companies, and not choosing your homeowners insurance company wisely can cost you a fortune in uncovered claims costs.

On the surface, homeowners insurance appears to be the same with all companies. They all have the standard coverage. But where they can differ greatly, is important additional coverage.

For example, studies have shown from actual claims, that most homes are under-insured, and do not have enough home insurance coverage to rebuild a similar home after a loss.

Assume you have a home insured for $200,000, which was what the insurance company determined to be enough coverage to rebuild your home when you started the policy. You have a fire and your house burns down. Contractors estimate it will cost $260,000, not $200,00, to rebuild your home.

Almost all homeowners insurance companies include additional coverage if you insure your home to their estimate of the cost to rebuild it.

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Yet some insurance companies offer more than 20% extra coverage, and a FEW insurance companies still offer UNLIMITED extra coverage, to make sure you are able to rebuild, even if the insurance company greatly miscalculated how much insurance you would need to rebuild when they sold you your policy.

You may say to yourself, this extra coverage may cost you a lot more to have it. This is not true. The insurance company offering unlimited coverage to rebuild your home may be the least expensive homeowners insurance quote you find when shopping.

This is only ONE example of MANY ways home insurance coverage can be different among insurance companies.

If you are like most people, your home is your biggest investment. Even though you are not likely to have a large loss to your property, the financial impact for you and your family is too devastating to take a chance not having the best coverage you can get at a reasonable cost.

Homeowners insurance policies have many limitations & exclusions people find out about the hard way when they have a claim. When these people find out an expensive claim not covered, could have been covered at a reasonable cost, they regret not shopping for the coverage they needed.

Agents are sales people, not consultants. Though most agents want to help you the best they can, they have no legal obligation to make sure you have the coverage you need.

You are responsible for deciding what coverage you need & knowing how your insurance policy limits & excludes coverage.

First, find out what you need to know about homeowners insurance coverage, limitations, & exclusions, by reading my blog and using my website’s Auto & Home Insurance Reviews.

Then, contact your agent or insurance company to review your homeowners insurance policy, and all its limitations & exclusions, with you. Shop your insurance and get a second, third, or fourth opinion to make sure you have the coverage options you need.

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